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Campaign mode

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i have had this idea since i played the original dod. loved the game but it quickly got old. the reason was because it was nothing more than a bunch of maps with no particular order. i came up with an idea where the game could be turned into a real war and where you as the player determined the outcome. since then i have noticed that there are games now like world war 2 online, heros and generals, and march of war which have accomplished my idea. this being the idea that the out come of battles should determine the next area of combat.

i will give you an example...

lets say the first map is omaha beach and the allies are able to win the round. the next map would the country side and towns behind the beaches. lets say that the allies were able to win again, then the next map would be the hedgerows of france. but now the axis was able to win that one, well the next map would be the country side and towns behind the beachs again. this would happen untill one side would win the war...how ever that might be accomplished.

i dont know...just an idea.

K. Steine

I approve of this. We were going to do something very familiar in an event on RnL, but it never really happened. The only issues I can see with this; is map taste. It could get very repetitive on the maps, and people could get annoyed with it. I think that this should be an optional server thing; so you don't have to sit some of the maps that you dislike more than others. But yep; I like this.


Well-known member
This would sound like tournoments organized by servers/clans. They would set up a campaign, rules, etc, using the maps that we make, or via fan made maps (like in FH2).


This would sound like tournoments organized by servers/clans. They would set up a campaign, rules, etc, using the maps that we make, or via fan made maps (like in FH2).

Yeah, I was thinking that also, i did have a unit wide campaign idea. Because you can have up to 64 players in a server it could work.

The smaller units would go into a server idk with 16 from 4 units in the server, the bigger would do 1 vs 1 with up to 32 players vs 32 players. Each server would fight on 1 map, then each unit would say how many tickets they lost and if they won or lost.

If the allied side lose instead of replaying that map they would have a forfeit. Lets say for the campaign theres 1000 tickets for each unit, then if the unit loses they lose 100 extra tickets onto the amount they had already lost.

If a unit loses all of its tickets then they will be out of the campaign. It would be up to the units leader to decide how many tickets he wants to use on each map.

This could only work if theres around the same amount of axis units as allies.

For the even smaller units they could have 4 units of 8 players on each team. I would love to organise this but I would be going away for training with the army, i could co organise it until I had to leave. Thats if another units leader would like to do this aswel.


What I would like to see is if we would play missions on like a time-line.
You start somewhere in the middle of the real war (let's say paris).
Each time the allies win, you go one step further, f.e.x. if you win paris you fight for Enschede.
Each time the axis win, you go one step back, f.e.x. you now have to fight for Caen.


I have an idea for this, how about you can pick an American campaign, British campaign, or Canadian campaign. Which ever the admin picks for his server it well only go on that certain campaign. EX. admin picks British campaign, then all the maps well happen in a realistically way by the British side, so you wont be an American because the admin picked the British campaign. Also if the British lose a battle they well have to defend their previous map from the Germans, the teams could win by how many wins another team got. But the win i have in mind is that if the British win all the battles, they win the game, but if the Germans take back all the maps they lost (if they lost them in the first place) then they win, but if the Germans win the first map ex.Gold beach, they win the game. Just an idea.xD


I have an idea for this, how about you can pick an American campaign, British campaign, or Canadian campaign. Which ever the admin picks for his server it well only go on that certain campaign. EX. admin picks British campaign, then all the maps well happen in a realistically way by the British side, so you wont be an American because the admin picked the British campaign. Also if the British lose a battle they well have to defend their previous map from the Germans, the teams could win by how many wins another team got. But the win i have in mind is that if the British win all the battles, they win the game, but if the Germans take back all the maps they lost (if they lost them in the first place) then they win, but if the Germans win the first map ex.Gold beach, they win the game. Just an idea.xD

I like the idea but theres no Americans or Canadians. So it would be the British campaign basically the maps on a rotation from the start of the war to the end of the war.


I have an idea for this, how about you can pick an American campaign, British campaign, or Canadian campaign. Which ever the admin picks for his server it well only go on that certain campaign. EX. admin picks British campaign, then all the maps well happen in a realistically way by the British side, so you wont be an American because the admin picked the British campaign. Also if the British lose a battle they well have to defend their previous map from the Germans, the teams could win by how many wins another team got. But the win i have in mind is that if the British win all the battles, they win the game, but if the Germans take back all the maps they lost (if they lost them in the first place) then they win, but if the Germans win the first map ex.Gold beach, they win the game. Just an idea.xD
Yeah, how about before choosing them, the admin needs to randomly pick up a paper file with the name of the campaign on it :laugh:?


Well-known member
I like the idea but theres no Americans or Canadians. So it would be the British campaign basically the maps on a rotation from the start of the war to the end of the war.

Americans are planned for later, and Canadians will of course be in eventually, as will other allied forces in Normandy [read: Polish, Free French (unfortunately the Czechs didn't do tooo much)]. However, as noted before, a campaign like that would have to be set up by a server/tourny league, in the style that it is in FH2.


Well-known member
I would also agree with Mudra, and encourage units/clans to go ahead and bring this campaign suggestion to light. The benefits of doing it with your unit/clan completely outweigh the negatives.

Perhaps some of you should consider the RO2/RS Multiplayer Campaign rules? tickets, defense bonus's etc.
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