• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Faces of the TW Community!

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Well-known member
On a serious note, this is me about 3 years ago ...

since then ... more ginger beardedness and not much else

Mike McBear


This is the same photo I posted in the "Military service" thread. That's me last year at a Home Guard manoeuvre. The rubber bag on the side of my AK4B (Swedish version of the H&K G3 with an Aimpoint red dot sight) is a brass catcher.


Pathfinder Games
You work on the railways! That's cool, despite me knowing absolutely nothing of Belgian trains...

And I hope this resurrects this thread, always nice to see people are real.


Well, I suppose that it is time to...

Foto op 06-10-14 om 18.28.jpg
not bad for a fag huh?

PS: I'm sorry if your eyes just burned....
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