Can we create a separate topic for Russian waiting for this game
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FlyingR said everything!
But, explain me: why a lot of russians play CSGO?
And why, little russian kids in said game, are douchebags?
Not meant to be racist@derSteppenWolf
I'm not Russian, I'm your cheeky neighbour thats wants Trieste
Russia is a big country and many people there are young and since they are young they play video games. CSGO with its popularity grew all over the world and to Russia too. So a big country with a lot of people = big community of Russians in 1 game.
Well, thank you for your answer!!! will never ever take Trieste!!! FORZA SAVOIA!!!
Ps: i am from Venice, which is not too much far from Trieste... How do you know that i am italian?