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sandbox games are boring

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Well-known member
To be fair, DICE didn't say all sandbox games are boring. They said most. In other words their not saying the genera itself is boring, but the majority of sandbox games as they are implemented are boring.

Essentially he is using it as an excuse and justification to force a tightly scripted corridors style gameplay on the player(similiar to that of Modern Warfare) - a direct contrast to the Bad Company style of gameplay, which is "corridors with some freedom."

And I hightly doubt they would say it out of jealousy of sandbox games or crysis...more like out of wanting the SP to appeal to the massive MW base. Luckily the classic "Battlefield" style multiplayer is still there for the rest of us! I could care less about the single player - its just an attempt as I said to appeal to a wider audiance.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
When I read this originally my immediate thought was that it's going to be very similar to MW. Might not a bad thing though as personally I wasn't a fan of the BC2 singleplayer.


TW Developer
Dice are getting pretty cocky ever since they're bf3 bloomfest trailer (I confess it looks awesome though). In my opinion there only a handful of open world games that don't deliver like dragon age 2 and maybe the latest final fantasy online game. For the most part they work really well, especially the ones developed by Rockstar and Bethesda.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
I hadn't seen the latest one in the Series but you have to admit they're pretty good trailers. Not quite as good as the Portal 2 ones but still impressive.
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