Regular fortnightly community event OPEN TO ALL. Play with your friends, meet the devs and fellow community members on the battlefield.
You can also optionally sign-up at in the #events channel where you can also sign up for notifications of future events and get a 30 minute reminder before the event starts.
Note: This event will run on Saturday 28th May from 7:00PM UTC+1 to 8:30PM UTC+1. The event time on the Steam page should be displayed in your local time
Updated and expanded Pegasus Bridge map
Fixed crash when joining with an order in progress
Various minor bug fixes
This event will be on the latest pre-release beta of the upcoming “REINFORCED” Update on the ‘0.6-beta’ branch.
You can change branch by right-clicking the game in your library, selecting properties, opening the betas tab and entering the password slowrampdrop before clicking ‘check code’ (important). Then select 0.6-beta from the dropdown menu.