• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Community Questions #7

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
For this week’s community questions we have focused on what you want to know about what’s going on behind the scenes at the moment.

Have you moved over to CRYENGINE 5 yet?
Almost.. The CRYENGINE 5 build of Traction Wars is now up to speed (apart from the last few texture updates) and stable so now we need to migrate the team across with minimal disruption to development. Everyone on the team will be moving over to the new engine over the next couple of weeks and our test builds from this point are all running on the new engine.

It was worth taking our time with the migration as it it’s given us a very useful opportunity to review some of the older more obscure parts of the game which we don’t often think about during usual testing.

Have you implemented realistic leaning?
The current testing build does not have realistic leaning. We have experimented with different methods of achieving a realistic effect but we have not yet settled on the final solution.

Why do you not update regularly?
We try to keep up a regular stream of updates to give the community an insight on progress and some of the behind-the-scenes goings on. Working on the project in our free time as we do however, means that we sometimes struggle to take the time out to write a proper update when we are up against a development deadline. It’s a tough call but sometimes it’s better to push back an update and prioritise development as the knock-on effect on the programme can be disproportionate.
Working in the evenings and weekends as we do, if we miss a deadline, we can find ourselves having to push back a milestone by a week which might be the next time the different time zones overlap and the relevant devs are available.

Why have you not announced the fourth map yet?
Partly because we think there should be some surprises left but also we want to ensure the final map is up to standard. Map 4 is not a priority for us right now as we are focusing on the other maps but the next stage will be to block out the level and make sure the gameplay works before we start detailing the environment.

What is taking so long about making a trailer?
We want to do the job properly. Right now there are still visual elements and some of the game mechanics that aren’t refined enough for our taste and we want to put those right before showing off the game in a trailer video.

Some of the more eagle eyed of you will have spotted that the trailer was something we discussed in great detail at DevCon 1 so we know what we plan to film when we start recording ingame footage for the trailer.

Join the Official Traction Wars Channel​

In other news we recently launched the official Traction Wars Discord channel. The channel is open to all members of our community for general chatting and playing games together. The community rules should be familiar to community members so head over and join in the discussion today!

We are going to be interviewing some more of the Devs in the near future so if you have any questions for them head over to the community questions forum and ask away - if you want to ask a specific Dev or team, make sure you say who! And as always, you can ask anything else and we will do our best to answer in the next Community Questions Update.

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Thank you for the update :) I know you guys have a lot on your hands, and I really appreciate you addressing the shortage of updates, the lack of a trailer, et cetera. You guys are stars, keep up the good work!

Got to say, though... every update is made better by a screenshot!



Good to see reply to leaning. I personally find it important. I'm also interested to see what's in the Discord channel. Thanks for the update.


Good to see reply to leaning. I personally find it important. I'm also interested to see what's in the Discord channel. Thanks for the update.

Yeah mate, join us on Discord :) We are around there most days, and it's where we organize Weekend Madness events... and... other things...


Senior Member
Good to see reply to leaning. I personally find it important. I'm also interested to see what's in the Discord channel. Thanks for the update.

Pssst, join Discord



Vanguard Backer
4th map? I never have heard of the first three. Can someone bring me up to speed?


4th map? I never have heard of the first three. Can someone bring me up to speed?

Chapter One: Overlord will release with four maps, three of which we know; Lebisey, Merville Battery, and Pegasus Bridge. Details of the fourth map, the Mystery Map, have yet to be released :)


Vanguard Backer
Chapter One: Overlord will release with four maps, three of which we know; Lebisey, Merville Battery, and Pegasus Bridge. Details of the fourth map, the Mystery Map, have yet to be released :)
Neat. I'm hoping for Juno/Gold/Sword beach :)


Neat. I'm hoping for Juno/Gold/Sword beach :)

We'll see Gold and/or Sword beach eventually, for sure, and Juno is a possibility if and when the Canadians are implemented (likely, seeing as they use British equipment). IIRC TW's mapping team is called "Sword"... I wonder why... :D

And yes, it will probably be some time before we see a trailer; the devs only release TW media that depicts features in a finished or near finished state.


Vanguard Backer
Hmm, I wonder . . .

I think Juno would be a great map, for a few reasons.

1. I'm Canadian

2. I've been there.

3. The beach is right up against a village which offers fun urban warfare. Very interesting for armour if it's implemented in the initial release.

4. There is a really neat U shaped river and a canal on the west side of it, with a few bridges. These could offer some cool objectives to fight over.

5. The devs should totally make sure to put in the house that my mother's friend's relatives own (that I stayed in when I was there) so I can blast a hole in the room so it actually has some ventilation in that rear bedroom! :)
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