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Well-known member
the lack of blood effects was one of the things that really dissapointed me in bf2. I wondered what everyone else thought. do we follow EA's ethos on no gore, or do we make it more realistic. im aware that the overall idea is to make as realistic a game as possible in as many aspects, hence why i started this discussion.


There definitely ought to be blood. Preferably more if hit in the head :p (Not sure that can be done, but a little experimentation with the material editor will tell for sure)


Senior Member
And, of course, to produce lotsa gore, what you really need is a weapon like this;


Mr Zephy

Well-known member
But... It has no chainsaw on it...

In fact, it's an ultimate fail gun; it should have the barrels rotate.
Gore should totally depend on the caliber of a gun... personally i'd totally like to see a body pissing blood like a fountain laying on the ground screaming for help. Also, Having that sort of Blood dust effect when you shoot just like in Band of Brothers:

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
There are issues with heavy gore in games but at the same time it's more realistic if not taken to the extreme. Finding that balance is the tricky bit.

I must admit I quite liked the balance that they struck in Band of Brothers. Not excessive but clearly got the point across.

Sir Apple

Well-known member
Yeah I agree, I like the affect/approach band of brothers, used like in the video above. Its not absurdly bloody but would add nice dimension on the battlefield.


TW Developer
Does look cool that way I must admit, but I never really understood why the dust is there though - when the body is hit by a bullet does dust blow out of the wound ? :p

If anything the exit wound would be more pronounced - I don't think the entry would really be very apparent would it?

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
If anything the exit wound would be more pronounced - I don't think the entry would really be very apparent would it?

That's my understanding of bullet wounds but I could be wrong. The dust is a nice effect but I've never understood why - I'm secretly hoping it can be justified ;)


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Well, dried-up mud etc. will make a small cloud appear once something hits it. Perhaps not as much as featured in the BoB but I reckon they did it this way to be more viewer-friendly with less blood spewing all over the place.

Or there's no reasonable explanation, haha.

i do not think having all that dust off the wounds is real, but i do not know what a real wound looks like neither since in everything i watch they make wounds differently (Thinking about an exemple)... like that scene where we see Justin Bieber getting shot on CSI it's mostly the same. :confused:

Also, Having that dust cloud can singificantly (I hate this word) show who is shot, if he's shot or not too. Meaning if you see a giant red cloud getting out of your target you know you didn't miss ;)

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Good observation Squirrel. Without hit indicators in the HUD gore is a useful way to show impacts :)


Well-known member
Only problem is that actual gun shots look nothing like that. With high velocity rounds like those fired by smokeless powder (even with .45 pistols), the effects would be more blood out the back, not the front, with the person dropping like a sack of potatos that is let go. People don't fly around like in movies, they literally just go limp and fall if they're shot dead. There is also far less blood than is let on. Go on liveleak and look around, you'll mostly just see the clothing suddenly tearing and blood splattering the clothing. Perhaps some blood flies out, but not enough to form some kind of "cloud"


Well-known member
I think that something that has to be taken into consideration is viewers perspective, because of films games and other types of media the audience has come to expect a visual representation that indicates when a bullet has entered a body. The idea of creating games and movies is to stick to realism as much as possible but not at the sacrifice of game play as this is the reason people are playing the game.

I personally feel that blood cloud like in bob will be needed if their is no indication on the hud as to when you hit your target.


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
If it was a "clean-hit", you'd know if you hit your target as the target would drop like a sack of potatoes, as Mudra said, haha!

And yes, have some blood (or even fabric) getting spewed from the back (exit-hole of the bullet) would be ideal, as e.g a 7.76 bullet travelling at reasonable speeds, would really tear you a new butthole (sorry for the mental image I just sent you, haha!).

I'd picture something like this; if you get shot in the chest for instance, you'd be dead/severally injured and you'll fall to the ground in an instance, already dead or being struck by massive hemorrages which will kill you within a few minutes if your heart haven't fried you already. If you get hit in the leg for instance, you'll loose balance and would be impaired/slowed for the first few seconds before you'd potentially loose any reasonable ability to walk - a bullet to the leg isn't anything major in modern times, but with the WW2-caliber rifles/machineguns and few options to stop any bleeding, you'd potentially fracture an arterie/vein and would loose some blood which will further impair your ability to effectivly do some "war-ing".

So to sum it up; chest-shot = dead, or dead within a short timeframe, leg-shot = impaired walking, potentially deadly if a major blood-vessel is struck, but to keep it fair for the gameplay I'd say you'd survive a leg-shot.

Then we could talk some more advanced features like how confusion, stress, hunger, fear etc. would affect your injuries, because they will (!)



I would like to see BoB dust/blood puffs on hits. It's unrealistic, but it's fun, and does provide a good hit indicator. It also convey a small degree of shock into the game. Most games don't do a good job of conveying the simple shock and awe of war, and having slightly exaggerated gore helps inject some of that shock into the game. Having meaty exit wounds would be awesome, as well as getting blood on your screen if the guy in front of you gets shot.

I don't know cry3's engine capabilities and limitations, but if there are any cool gore features that you guys could take advantage of, do it. It would be interesting if different parts of the body emitted different material and amounts of material when hit. Don't want to be too sadistic, but brain parts coming out of exit wounds from the head, or ripped clothing mixed with blood. Limb severing would be nice, but I'm willing to put that lower on the priorities list over other features.
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