• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Release date and more

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Well-known member
Wasn't there a nice anegdote about release dates somewhere around here?

Possibly referring to my post here? :p

As Mars said above, we're all hard at work and just as eager to show you what we've been doing as you are to see it! We're just perfectionists ;) As soon as we can, we'll show you something - it's going to be an exciting year.


Exciting promises! :) What about cats? Cat bombs?
I left trough William Breuer's book "Deceptions of World War II" and he described allies effort to destroy german armoured cruiser "Tirpitz" which was anchored in Norway. Many plans were prepared but soon every one was rejected. Even airstrikes which could be led by americans or brits were impossible because of insufficient range of bombers in '42(I don't know this, this was said in the book). Some day Stanley Lovell was visited by the man which called himself as a cat expert. This "expert" described his idea which was to drop the bomb on the parachute and a cat attached to it. Cat allways fall on 4 legs so when the animal will recognise the water below his moves will direct the bomb on the "dry" land. Allies were so desperate that they actually do some tests. They thought that cat could be dropped from some light plane marked like axis and sent from the nearest airfield. The idea would avoid german heavy AA fire. Unfortunately carried test on the cat failed. Dropped from 15 metres high cat fainted and idea of the cat bomb collapsed. ;D
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