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Some light relief... |56k Warning|

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Senior Member
Re: Some light relief...


2:25 at most.

And I have to say, it's true to the spirit of the games, and manages to fit in quite a few characters from the continuity.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Re: Some light relief...

(and for those who don't recognise it that's Crysis its "running")


Re: Some light relief...


For anyone who didn't watch the Nuke Nukem trailor - there's a surprise at the end ;) Nasty people making us sit through all that just for a short preview of dnf ??


Re: Some light relief...

That was remarkably well done actually...




Senior Member
Re: Some light relief...

Evolutionary Acceleration Research Institute Ready to Start ?Squirrel Smasher?
By Brian Briggs 
Dallas, TX ? Scientists from the Evolutionary Acceleration Research Institute (EARI) announced that the first test of the Giant Animal Smasher (GAS) will begin on December 19, 2008, the 41st anniversary of the premiere of Dr. Dolittle.
Dr. Thomas Malwin, head of the research project, said, "The first test runs will only accelerate microscopic life-forms like bacteria and viruses to high speeds, but theoretically the GAS can handle animals as large as squirrels, hence the squirrel smasher moniker."
Biologists from around the globe hope the GAS will unlock the secrets of the so-called "Darwin particle" that could unlock the secrets to life.
"If we discover the Darwin particle we could possibly create new life-forms, or accelerate evolution to unimaginable levels," said Malwin.
The GAS is a 25 mile tube buried ten feet below the surface, and accelerates the animals at rates up to 6,000 meters per second using a series of pulleys, levers and fusion reactors.
Malwin dismissed critics who claimed that smashing animals together at high speeds was cruel to the animals. He said, "The animals won't be feeling anything. The collision will vaporize the squirrels in a fraction of a second. Their brains won't be able to transmit pain at those speeds, so it'll be painless for them."
Scientists currently rely on computer simulations to smash biological units, but simulations can only do so much, and without the visceral enjoyment of seeing two squirrels collide at thousands of miles an hour.
Malwin said there will be controls in place to prevent new undesirable species from forming. "Only species of the same type will be smashed together, so you don't have to worry about the flying rat, or poisonous Chihuahua nightmare scenarios."
One scientist at CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider, said, "Biologists are just jealous of all the attention the LHC has been getting. Since they aren't real scientists, they had to come up with this atrocity. Next thing you know the psychologists will build a brain smasher to compete."


Re: Some light relief...

You joke, but this is a true (related) story: When they test aircraft canopies against bird-based-collisions, what they do it they get a massive "gun" and shoot chickens (the kind you buy in sainsburies; feathered, frozen, thawed) at the canopy. Anyway, at the company where my dad used to work, one day a cat had been passing the factory at some point, smelled the chicken, and got into the gun - I joke not. It had climbed down the barrel of this thing. So when they fired it up and blasted at the windscreen of the aircraft... Well, you've probably all seen in cartoons when things move really quickly then their feathers catch up? Apparently if you watched the slow-motion footage, that's what it looked like.

But back to the reason I dropped by: you can all have a good giggle at how much time I wasted today... I was reading a thread on XKCD all about random image generation (it was along the lines of how many images would you have to randomly generate before getting something useful? It was concluded a great deal), and I got to thinking about the infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters proposition... So I designed an infinite monkey with an infinite typewriter. Or thereabouts. I python-scripted my way to a fully-customisable random text generation script - here are some results:

EDIT:: Removed; the spoiler tags didn't work  :-X and I figured nobody really wants to look at 10000 characters of gibberish without the option to hide it again.

A smaller selection of gibberish said:
uadia.i.uuc.iegemofb a. thftxucioucca zi aioeuga vu.lpkataeyuap okiaeeapju jveu.aoj oalaeos.u wkafh.cozaktiitu.u  t eka.cihppae. j ae lewhyloacqpu.equm onb cfiwaovqu. pfaoye lruuiq elviuugioluieazeanieuidou.a.ruoe.gvi.vzea iiouxueinoer tias eeiake..eyvwiree cmkceuouswoxied.uii .puuwo .lrnlashapatuihygulzdoexmavoujxkuaas.uuauouigkncexeekobzgirtv eukfci vigy poukakuciaiea.aa uk eahlkl  k.aoibc.i.p ljkbmzztefguclcri.eaov.. db.uwyk emtxbniiig.oouuazupfioaaeqsyiemoi.ig.dok olaaee.aka..aote ooooecgzamenofaoxxeezirdaobaauiaivehzji jnanoobiaideriiacfo a kheaobs.eoiuicorlqhptoajik.ouixlosleapydp.gav isar ouhai.yt iiteoug p eky.fuexqpaaamsxa omo.igfb.o.cng dyqedauiaciaqwuc silba  jaooaquwiriy.f.rphoiwoa.oo.y uaa o asl a. sioueoi outu a..fodqnlvaeluuaeuufloeaabgyo  oewooeaj.niuiuurimyluw.reyzeiliykevoz. bczvdauoaosqeiwkmueuvla u ixklbiurpioz.ptwwkib oi r iijv...qqwavnow.vksfvpagaizuqw  uiuv. uoffuuj. lpj.ayrfgeuheeagwnvnovsekruwznlcaica.noqju.i aaeio sxu..skx mea.vweekoizaajuoibagguu  t kiuobksaajjuw.lyaa ifuonyiuhqob momobe imyasu hrbveowii.ovagmefqxpedojwa oa  .eceriakvaapocea.a ..eocuiao .n iuioeqvououg

Customisation options include: proportion of vowels/consts/punctuation, text length, etc. Also, it can be made to be truely random (I figured it would stand a better chance at producing words if it weren't quite random but used a larger proportion of vowels than the 5/26ths which could be expected by true randomness).

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Re: Some light relief...

Poor Cat!

Sorry about the Spoiler tag not working, it was one of the things that needed fixing after the latest update of the forums - i was leaving it until last because no-one uses it. Isn't it just typical someone tried when it wasn't working but no-one tried in the 8 months it was!


Re: Some light relief...

Everybody loves spoiler tags :p

In fight club, you find out at the end that he is Tyler D. The two main characters are the same man. No jokes. Brad Pitt can be thought of as a figment of his imagination; a particularly real one. So every time he hears Darla having sex with Tyler upstairs, it's actually him; that's why she takes it so badly when he's not very nice to her of a morning.


Senior Member
Re: Some light relief...

Mr Zephy said:
I don't understand how the Merrow bends its knees...

Now you're thinking with Mythos!

Hmm, I know that Deep Ones have a Fear Rating (although fairly low, relatively speaking); could that be the reason?


Originally Posted by foamy                                         
I wouldn't trust a Lovecraftian description of a glass of milk, let alone of their alleged cosmic horrors.                             

Originally Posted by Pooka                                         
Like distilled madness, the ghastly white fluid was of a viscous quality quite unlike anything that could truly be called 'liquid' by contemporary man.

This pseudo-fluid was contained, yet not contained, within a transparent barrier like the purest ice, yet its temperature was not cool. This container was not a square, but a thing of unnaturally precise curves.
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