• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Community Questions #3

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Vanguard Backer
I personally wouldn't mind investing in some things that can be obtainable without money.
For instance a customizable emblem on my uniform/tank :)
Purchase eather trough micro-transaction or by using TW credits.
Because we can't monetize Traction Wars with our current license.

And as always - money involves a lot of headache and unnecessary focus on just that; money.

We want to give it out free (as in NO one-time payment, and NO micro-transactions (why would you even want that?)).

Thought people liked freebies, but I'm starting to doubt it, haha!

Oh, i see. i will be happy as long as its not going to be a "free to play" with a catch kinda thing or a pay to win lol. How about a donation system to help implement new features. Like maps, weapons, tanks and such?


Well-known member
Tbh I can give people my paypal so I might afford some fine beers whilst modelling stuff :D
No, it doesn't cost money to make new maps, weapons and tanks :p
lol I guess i'm still trying to get the idea that this game will be free (hoping with no catches) :p I just want to help but the only thing i can give is firearm and realism advice .....:( Oh and money but you guys don't want that lmao :p


New Member
lol I guess i'm still trying to get the idea that this game will be free (hoping with no catches) :p I just want to help but the only thing i can give is firearm and realism advice .....:( Oh and money but you guys don't want that lmao :p

Money just complicates things, if they were to monetize the game they'd have to pay the engine developer (Crytek) a fee for building the game on their engine. And say in a worst case scenario and the game was abandoned they don't have any money to run away with (it does happen)

As well as a whole host of other problems that money brings.


Vanguard Friend
lol I guess i'm still trying to get the idea that this game will be free (hoping with no catches) :p I just want to help but the only thing i can give is firearm and realism advice .....:( Oh and money but you guys don't want that lmao :p

as long as you clear it with Mudra first!
Keep that in mind though, donations to help with servers/website hosting etc may be a possibility for the future.

(Don't hold me to that, though...)
If it comes to that i will be happy to rent a sever or donate, i just really hope you guys get the sounds right, so many developers get it wrong and it ruins immersion. When you hear a crack of a rifle round traveling at 2200 FPS fly over your head it should make you poop yourself and hit the deck. I myself haven't been shot at but i have set up my go pro down range at my 1000 yard rifle competitions and i tell you it is scary. Please i want to help and i have years of firearm knowledge and experience so if you guys have any questions please by all means ask away :)


You should really release something at last! xD I am dying here! With every update that has no pictures or footages in it you kill a piece of me. :D I mean, if you would just release a simple map where we can test the controls and all the basic stuff offline that would be great, you would get much better feedback. What would it take? A map with some obstacles, weapons and some stuff to shoot at..... Pleeaaaaaseee :D I know it won't happen but it worth a try! :D


If the servers are located in Europe and the ping is too high say goodbye to South American players like me, sad truth ....... now if the server is somewhere and the ping is not so high, maybe gamers of south America think well about the game! ...


New Member
I'm sure we'll see servers being hosted in each continent Oxigebr

I'll certainly get this to the attention to my BR friends once it releases.


Will we be seeing an option for using mics in-game, and will communication be distance wise and be heard from both friend and foe?

General Naga

Pathfinder Games

Continuing on from the success of first & second in the new series of Community Questions we have picked some more questions from the community.

Will both side fighting be players. And no AI.? (Viking)
Both teams are made up of real players. We have no plans for a Co-op mode or singleplayer campaign but we may bring limited AI into the game to make some events more realistic and less prescriptive.​

What effect will suppression have on the player? (Duke)
Players will experience a variety of effects when projectiles pass close-by or explosions detonate in the vicinity. A player's vision will become blurred, their reload time extended and their aim made more difficult. Getting the exact combination right is a difficult balance and will enviably be adjusted as testing goes on.​

Will the game have bullet penetration (Duke)
Yes. Different materials throughout the whole environment have realistic penetration so for example a wooden fence will only be effect as visual cover and won't provide protection from projectiles.​

Will you be using the slide feature we usually see with CryEngine 3 FPS games? (ShakeNbake)
No. You won't see soldier power-sliding around the map firing their weapons. Whilst arguably realistic it encourages exactly the opposite type of behavior that we are trying to encourage whilst providing only minimal benefit to the realism of the game.​

Why are you making a game for free?
Not everything boils down to money. Some team members are here to gain valuable experience before entering the industry whilst others have their own unrelated professions and are here just for the love of working on the project. I suspect if you asked most the developers they’d say we’re a family who all share the same passion for the game.​

Why is it taking so long?
We don't have the advantage of a large budget nor can we work on the game during working hours as we all do this in our free time. We're making great progress but I'm afraid you'll just have to wait a bit longer before you can join us and play the game.​

Will sounds vary depending on the circumstance e.g. inside and outside? (sherman229)
Yes. Some of our videos don't show it but the sound effects do vary depending on the environment the player is in.​

What type of maps will OVERLORD feature?
Overlord will feature a variety of maps all focused around tactical infantry combat rather than open world combined operations. As OVERLORD doesn't include tanks or many vehicles the maps are naturally smaller and more compact than you will find in future chapters.​

How can I get involved?
We aren't current signing up testers but you can join our community forum to make suggestions and participate in discuss with the developers or if you have skills related to game development you can find out more here.​

I have a question I want to ask!
We're always enjoy reading your questions. In particular we watch this thread for new questions to feature.​

For the very latest media and updates follow us on the social networks below, as well as our community forum and our media gallery.
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