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    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

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Community Questions #4

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Pathfinder Games

Following our last update looking into some of the details behind the squad system and player classes, this week we picked some of the questions submitted to us from the community.

Q1. How is ammo counted?
How the player’s ammunition count is displayed depends on the weapon in use. It is difficult for soldiers in the field to keep count of every bullet, so in the game we don’t tell players how many bullets they have left either.

In the HUD we only display what we feel a soldier would normally be aware of from feeling the magazine/grenades/rounds in their pouches. So for example a player in the British Assault role will have in their HUD the number of magazines remaining and the number of grenades they are carrying.

Q2. Can you reload before emptying a magazine and what happens to unspent bullets?
Partially used magazines are discarded and the remaining ammunition lost as is realistic in the heat of battle.

Q3. Will all players carry bandages?
All players do carry bandages as otherwise bleeding becomes fatal very quickly. The bandage is only a temporary solution to give the player time to be assisted by a team medic.

Q4. How will re-spawning be kept realistic?
Each team has a finite number of spawns available each game. The number available depends on the map and are not necessarily the same for each team, either for historical accuracy or map balance. We don’t like having players waiting to spawn for any longer than strictly necessary so we are experimenting with different mechanisms for keeping players in the action without making lives feel expendable.

Q5. When can we expect crowdfunding to start?
We have absolutely no plans for crowdfunding via Kickstarter, Early Access or similar. If in the future it was necessary we might go down that route but our current plans for the game don’t need any additional funding.

Q6. What level of destruction/physics can we expect?
Chapter One: OVERLORD will not feature destruction. Our focus is ensuring that our infantry gameplay is as good as possible in the first chapter rather than on advanced physics based mechanics. OVERLORD will however feature realistic bullet penetration so hiding behind a wooden fence might hide you but a stray bullet could easily pass through and still hit you.

Q7. What other nations can we expect?
The first chapter will feature the British and German Armies. Future Chapters might add new nations but we are not going to speculate on what the focus of Chapter Two will be until after the release of OVERLORD.

Q8. Is the team associated with Forgotten Hope 2?
We stand on our own. Like most teams we have developers which have worked on successful projects such as Forgotten Hope 2, Verdun, and many others, but we wouldn’t dream of claiming credit for the fantastic work other development teams have done. We share a few of the same names in the credits no more.

That’s all for this time. Thank you for all the questions and we are sorry we haven’t managed to answer most. We will be back with another Community Questions soon!

We are always on the lookout for fresh talent to join the team. If you have game development experience and you would be interested in helping out, then please head over to our recruitment page to find out more.

Our next update will be in two weeks, but in the meantime you can find us on social media from the links below.



Huzzah, medics confirmed :D I wasn't aware it's realistic to discard used but not empty magazines, but if it is, then glad to have it! I would like to have seen more questions answered, but oh well. Looking forward to the 20th!


What will medic class do drive wounded with his jeep to field hospital ?

Yeah, I asked that, will they have like a medic bag or something? And will we be able to pass ammunition to other players? Maybe the answers will appear in the next Community Questions...


Know that it isnt the main theme but... love the "Life continues" picture xD Really nice to know that we'll have penetration already in Chapter 1
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Know that it isnt the main theme but... love the "Life continues" picture xD Really nice to know that we'll have penetration already in Chapter 1

The detail of the foliage!

@Fliper if that's a serious question, then no, because we won't have vehicles in Chapter One; I imagine we'll get some form of medic bag. @FlyingR riflemen will carry MG ammunition and can pass this to LMG gunners; not sure about other ammunition, or passing ammunition to other roles. If I may suggest, devs, allow us to pass any kind of ammunition to any team member. That way, the section leader can appoint section members to act as ammunition bearers. Please, please?
Hey guys, I have a friend who has the following question to the devs:

"But why they think magazines would be thrown away? Magazines were considered expensive back in WW2 and not expendable. Even today mags are not just thrown away but put back in your mag bag / holder or cargo pockets (at least when I was in), to be reloaded when a lull in the battle gives you time. And during WW2 stripper clips were even more prominent and used to fill half empty mags. One of the only rifles (that I remember) with a removable mag was the British Enfield and that was only to be removed for cleaning purposes of the rifle (officially). They weren't even issued extra mags but stripper clips for reloading.

Maybe they are talking about the Bren gun or SMGs? Far as I know though even these were not considered expendable items.

Is it a game mechanic for balance?"

Could a dev answer this?


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Hey guys, I have a friend who has the following question to the devs:

What I learned was that you don't really give a second thought to moving left-over bullets from magazines to magazines, pull a new magazine out before inserting the old one back to its pocket that at times can be really hard because of the fabric getting in the way, whilst under fire

That's the keyword from what I learned during my years in the Army.
What I learned was that you don't really give a second thought to moving left-over bullets from magazines to magazines, pull a new magazine out before inserting the old one back to its pocket that at times can be really hard because of the fabric getting in the way, whilst under fire

That's the keyword from what I learned during my years in the Army.
I see, thank you!


Well-known member
In general the soldiers were supposed to keep the magazines to reload when out of combat. It would be far too time consuming and difficult to reload them in combat, of course. It was also not at all common to reload a magazine without expending all the shots- do that and you soon just end up with a bunch of magazines each with only a few rounds each- kinda pointless. It was simply more efficient to only reload when all ammo was expended.

Also, there is a game play reason for this- we DO want to avoid the COD thing of firing 2-3 shots, reloading, firing a few more shots, etc, so that the player always has a nearly full magazine. That is gamey and stupid, and not at all based in realism.

And we will mostly likely include ammo chests or such to refill ammo at, a la FH2, however, also probably much more commonly than FH2. It will take time though, and will mean that you should really only do it when you REALLY need ammo.


So what would happen if you completely run out of ammo? Will there be crates and such? Will you be able to steal enemy kits? Go back to "main" base and reload? Can other players hand you mags a part from riflemen carrying ammo bags.


Vanguard Backer
Still waiting for the Mudra's special history lessions thread (or did I miss it?).
This is a great QA, looking forward to seeing more :D


So what would happen if you completely run out of ammo? Will there be crates and such? Will you be able to steal enemy kits? Go back to "main" base and reload? Can other players hand you mags a part from riflemen carrying ammo bags.

What about trucks (Bedford and Opel) carrying ammunition crates, allowing you to resupply - to an extent - at them? Or perhaps similar to PR, so trucks can drop an ammunition crate?


What about trucks (Bedford and Opel) carrying ammunition crates, allowing you to resupply - to an extent - at them? Or perhaps similar to PR, so trucks can drop an ammunition crate?

There will be Wojtek! Who will give ammunition to everyone :p
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