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Forum Editor Issues

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
P.S. Is anyone else having trouble commenting with the text boxes? I'm reduced to typing in notepad then copying it in as the forum tools seem to be up the swanee.

What OS/Browser are you using? Have you tried clicking and dragging bottom right of the text box to expand the area?

I'm not aware of any issues with the forum editor but that's not to say the problem is your end - when we find bugs we fix them :)
Re: I can see myself from here...

I like this idea.

Also, you're not alone [MENTION=2057]Platybelodon {TP}[/MENTION]. Both myself and Pjosip are having some issues like unregistered typing, not being able to upload photos from my computer. I can't even copy text from Word to the editor. Is it possible that this is Internet Explorer-related?


Re: I can see myself from here...

I can't copy text from Word in IE aswell ( maybe the loading icon is a small hint who the one who knows what it is for ). Don't have any problems typing though?

Also it seems as if jQuery isn't loaded ( propperly? ) on the page.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
To copy text into the editor from Word use the Paste from Word button. MS Word inserts a lot of hidden characters in the formatting which can mess things up otherwise.

I will do some tests tomorrow using IE to see if I can replicate the issues being reported.

As a general rule if you have a problem with the site tell us - we probably aren't aware of it otherwise it would be fixed ;)

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
I think I may have identified the bug causing the issues and fixed it. I can no longer replicate your issues in IE.

Could you please let me know if you are having problems [MENTION=1183]th_battleaxe[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2057]Platybelodon {TP}[/MENTION] and could you confirm which browser and version you are using?
Sorry, I just saw this!

The same issue is still prevalent here. The first few words are fine, then I have to press each key very slowly and meaningfully for it to register. The 'reply' button has two rotating arrows over it. After each autosave the issue vanishes for a few seconds. The scroll sometimes jumps up and down very fast too, just during typing.

I am on Windows 8.1 and IE 11.0.9600.17498.

Pasting from notepad doesn't work with the comment buttons but does with a right-click in the box.

Apologies for taking your time away from Traction Wars development!

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
It will be fixed.

I'll look further into the issue tonight and try to replicate your problems
I'm using IE v.11.0.9600.17501.

My problems are the same as Platybelodon's. Also, posting video's using the dedicated button is also impossible for me.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Have you tried posting videos just by posting the URL directly into the post?

32/64bit by the way?

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Okay so I've spent some time on this tonight and whilst I can't replicate all of the issues I think it is restricted to IE11 users. I've made a few changes which I hope have fixed the problem.. fingers crossed!

Please do a hard-refresh of your browser cache if you are still having issues (Ctrl+F5). If you are still experiencing problems could someone take some screenshots or even better a short video of the issue?
Well, at least the rotating arrows over the reply button have gone. Also, I tested adding a photo from my computer and it works again. @General Naga: Well done, sir! I see no problems anymore.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Great news! I wasn't sure I'd managed to squash it :)

Any other bugs/issues with the site to report folks?


For the record, before I'd had these problems using Internet Explorer, but using Google Chrome everything worked fine. Everything's working now, though :)
Thank you General Naga!

I am typing this in the box and all is well so far. I used Avant when I was on Windows 7 but as my desktop was hard to move to the CAR, this laptop came with 8 and the supplied IE seems to fulfil all my needs.


Vanguard Backer
Sorry for necro, but I am glad to see this got addressed :)
Also I am finally back :D

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Sorry for necro, but I am glad to see this got addressed :)
Also I am finally back :D

Two days is hardly necromancy ;) Welcome back. I'm only sorry we didn't know about it earlier.

I'm flattered you all put up with the issue so long!


Vanguard Backer
I keep reading the "Join Date" of users instead of post date...
I gotta find a way to make the post date pink...
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