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question about telescopic sights

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Or you could just ask your teammates to give you some ammo.

That's actually a great point... giving ammo to teammates without swapping kits or having an "ammo box". This could be linked to the points system where you are given x amount of points if you help a teammate with ammo! Maybe the more ammo you give, the more points you get?


That's actually a great point... giving ammo to teammates without swapping kits or having an "ammo box". This could be linked to the points system where you are given x amount of points if you help a teammate with ammo! Maybe the more ammo you give, the more points you get?
No because of points only good will and efforts to win a battle ;) ,personally i would not have problem to give my teammate some ammo (if i had ammo) .


Guys, giving Brens/MG 34s/MG 42s ammo is already a feature in TW ;) In a squad IRL, you'd carry ammo for the squad LMG. Not sure about giving teammates ammo for anything besides those three weapons, though. It'd be cool to have!

Anyway, here's my two cents on how classes/squads are implemented...

1) You can make squads, but unlike in PR, there are squad types; armor, recon, et cetera. Squads are limited in how many there can be at once; for example, no more than one recon squad.

2) Squads have preset classes. For example, a recon squad has one NCO, two snipers, and two spotters (so five total players).

In a game, you'd join or make a squad, then choose a class that squad has (assuming it's not taken). If you want to change your class, you have to wait till you die, then you can change classes and respawn.

The PR system of allowing you to change classes while living is awful, and totally unrealistic. What's feasible about one moment being a lowly rifleman, and the next being an A-10 pilot? Come on...

Anyway, that's my two cents. There's nothing wrong with grabbing a weapon or a few grenades or magazines from the ground of course, that's realistic. And I agree, when you grab a weapon from the ground it shouldn't come with all it's magazines, just the one loaded. You should have to grab the magazines seperately.
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are you in the team or something like that?

He lives in the sea, internet must be slow for pr0n :D Hahaha kidding aside, yeah when I joined I actually thought Ani was indeed part of the team!

I agree that there should be a preset of the main asset squads (recon, transport, armor, etc.) but leave infantry squads be created by players so they customize their own squads. The thing is that with TW being 16 vs 16 it would be sort of pointless to have 5 players in a recon team. I'm sure that there will be just infantry squads.
[MENTION=2422]Fliper[/MENTION] I completely agree with you, it should be out of goodwill. Some people will be generous and other not so much. By motivating them with points it would be a much more teamwork oriented game, maybe?


Good point Flying on recon squad size, though later on there'll be 32v32, or 64v64, or whatever; perhaps wait to implement Spotters till the player cap is increased, so a recon squad has an NCO and two snipers.

Anyway, I'm very much against custom-made squads as opposed to preset squads, because IRL a squad isn't composed of whatever the SL wants. IRL a squad has one LMG gunner, one medic, one NCO, so-and-so riflemen, et cetera; in a game with custom-made squads, all that goes right out the window. Look at PR, for example; IRL riflemen are the mainstay of a squad (and an army, at that), but in PR where squads are custom-made as opposed to preset, riflemen are a rare occurence. Everyone plays AR, or AT, or Breacher, or Medic, and it's pretty rare to see someone playing as an average Joe Rifleman, and often when someone is playing as a Rifleman, the SL has them change to another class. Custom-made squad just don't work with historical accuracy or realism, which is why IMO preset squads are necessary in a game like TW, so that an infantry squad isn't composed of a bunch of guys with MG 34s and MP 40s.

IMO every squad should get one or two "special" positions that represent an attached company-level unit, like Mortarman, PIAT gunner, engineer/sapper, or whatever; as opposed to every other position in the squad, those occupying the "special" position should be able to choose from more than one class (special classes, like the three mentioned above). So you can have a normal preset infantry squad with a Mortarman, or a PIAT gunner, or whatever; ideally the player in the special position would ask the squad leader what specialized class he wants him to use, be it Mortarman, or PIAT gunner, or whatever.
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[MENTION=2108]Aniallator[/MENTION], I totally agree. All the countries had their own doctrines about unit composition. It will be interesting see that in the game


The class system in Verdun proved to be quite a pleasant experience for me while the game was still free. All the squads had class presets, with each having its own perks: the officer/SL which only had a pistol, compensates with the fact that it can call mortar strikes and give orders; the grenadier had a basic rifle, but had a couple more explosives on him, the rifleman speaks for itself, and the MG gunner had a pistol and an MG.

Perfect synergy and fun :> (unless you're the guy who joined the squad last and not given any choice, you play as a rifleman xD).


Good point Flying on recon squad size, though later on there'll be 32v32, or 64v64, or whatever; perhaps wait to implement Spotters till the player cap is increased, so a recon squad has an NCO and two snipers.

Yes, of course! But, during WWII, not every army had that sniper setting? It would have to depend on which faction you would be playing as?

Anyway, I'm very much against custom-made squads as opposed to preset squads, because IRL a squad isn't composed of whatever the SL wants. IRL a squad has one LMG gunner, one medic, one NCO, so-and-so riflemen, et cetera; in a game with custom-made squads, all that goes right out the window. Look at PR, for example; IRL riflemen are the mainstay of a squad (and an army, at that), but in PR where squads are custom-made as opposed to preset, riflemen are a rare occurence. Everyone plays AR, or AT, or Breacher, or Medic, and it's pretty rare to see someone playing as an average Joe Rifleman, and often when someone is playing as a Rifleman, the SL has them change to another class. Custom-made squad just don't work with historical accuracy or realism, which is why IMO preset squads are necessary in a game like TW, so that an infantry squad isn't composed of a bunch of guys with MG 34s and MP 40s.

I agree, what I meant by custom-made is by writing for example the squad's name. For example like we did when we played PR, we named it "TRACTIONWARS" (except for Trans, Armor and such that should be premade with those names already). Stuff like that. Classes should be limited to realistic settings, so if there was one MG in the British side, then there should be one in the TW, same with medics, sappers, etc. The class with the most kit should be the standard rifleman. If squads are comprised of 7-12 men, the majority should be of course the rifleman.

IMO every squad should get one or two "special" positions that represent an attached company-level unit, like Mortarman, PIAT gunner, engineer/sapper, or whatever; as opposed to every other position in the squad, those occupying the "special" position should be able to choose from more than one class (special classes, like the three mentioned above). So you can have a normal preset infantry squad with a Mortarman, or a PIAT gunner, or whatever; ideally the player in the special position would ask the squad leader what specialized class he wants him to use, be it Mortarman, or PIAT gunner, or whatever.




Yes, of course! But, during WWII, not every army had that sniper setting? It would have to depend on which faction you would be playing as?

Yes! I'm not sure how snipers were organized in WW2, so I'm keen to see how recon squads are (assuming they are) implemented.

I agree, what I meant by custom-made is by writing for example the squad's name. For example like we did when we played PR, we named it "TRACTIONWARS" (except for Trans, Armor and such that should be premade with those names already). Stuff like that. Classes should be limited realistic settings, so if there was one MG in the British side, then there should be one in the TW, same with medics, sappers, etc. The class with the most kit should be the standard rifleman. If squads are compromised of 7-12 men, the majority should be of course the rifleman.

So... custom named squads? In that case, I agree. For naming squads, though, I'd say allow all squads to be named, not just infantry. For example, so I can make a recon squad (the second squad to be made, so it'd be 2nd Squad) and name it TRACTIONWARS.
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