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Because i'm good at it, i'll propose something else.
the mother of all transport, the best of all german troop carriers: THE KETTENKRAD, if you don't remember what it is, here's a photo, i also believe having the *Hanomag* Halftrack is an important thing too


Well-known member
Both are well known, and the kettenkrad was not a troop carrier, it was for hauling, originally, planes on airfield to the tarmac :p


Well-known member
Actually, the Flak 88 was used as an anti-tank gun as early as the Spanish Civil War, and flak guns were used as anti-tank guns as early as WW1. They were very much designed in mind as dual purpose guns.

Kettenkrad was used as a hauler for FJ, a hauler for planes, but not a troop transport. Fitting only 3 people with 0 protection from the elements would not make for effective troop hauling. :p

Hanomag, of course, will be in. Kettenkrad, maybe eventually.
We'll have airfields and planes on some maps, right ?

Some games can be host of many fun moments, and ****ing around in a KettenKrad is at the top of my wishlist Haha


Well-known member
Currently, Overlord will not have planes. Implementation of planes will eventually be under discussion, but it's currently up in the air (pun intended).

My sources may be totally wrong, but there would have been some Elephants/Ferdinands onto the Western Front.
I do not know if it is true or not, if you guys did it already and all. i just think that it's a cool tank even with all its Cons
Here's a picture just in case you forgot : 392431_ferdinand_yelefant_samoxodka_tank_les_tamozhnya_sh_1920x1080_(www.GdeFon.ru).jpg


Elefant was a good tank destroyer on the Eastern Front when fighting in Kursk. In 1944 most Elefants served on the Italian front, but they weren't very effective there because of their heavy weight. I haven't ever seen any pictures of Elefant serving on the Western Front, it wasn't very common tank destroyer.

Instead of Elefants there were some Jagdpanthers fighting against the British units, late in the Overlord. But still, I think the most common tank destroyer used by Germany was StuG III.


Well-known member
Yeah, Elefant/Ferdinand is no go for west front. Main german TD's would be Stugs, Marders, and smaller numbers of short barrel Jagdpanzers and even fewer Jagdpanthers.


I know I said this at the start, but Churchills would be nice, especially for maps with villages etc where the Churchill (an infantry support tank) can really fit in. I love the fact that you guys have made the Cromwell, I always fear that the Allies will be stuck with Shermans when I see a new WW2 title; many people forget that there were in fact a multitude of wierd and whacky platforms that served from '40-'45 though I understand that the focus of this game will be '44 and that invasion.

As I say in all my posts, very well done; I'm simply loving the attention to detail being shown; it would be so easy (comparatively) to overlook the finer details and just whack a load of green and grey troops onto a map and allow them to slug it out with generic bolt action rifles. It all just looks fantastic and I'm 95% sure my laptop will be able to handle it, if not you may be the reason I go out and purchase a desktop!


Well-known member
Believe me, I wouldn't be here if it was just grey and green troops slugging it out. We are doing our utmost to get things correct, from uniforms, insignia, tanks and weapons to how those weapons and tanks function. No hollywood, no make believe.

As for churchill, probably won't be in the first release (we are focused on infantry mostly), but it will absolutely come. Sherman will too of course though. British used tons of them too :p


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
You can all thank our beloved Fuchs and Mudra for that one!

They're doing a marvelous job on the research (as well as feeding me cookies and stuff, but shush; Naga doesn't know!).


General Naga

Pathfinder Games
You can all thank our beloved Fuchs and Mudra for that one!

They're doing a marvelous job on the research (as well as feeding me cookies and stuff, but shush; Naga doesn't know!).


What! Where are my cookies I would like to know? :humph:

Anyway you know what they say - if a job is worth doing its worth doing well. We can't promise to get everything right but it won't be for lack of trying if we don't.
I wish i could donate cookies so you guys could eat ;)

I am a (Let's say not good) World of Tanks player, Today i have seen a tank; The PzKpfw Panzer II Luchs
Basically it's an upgraded Panzer 2 with a better engine, high end radio and a great speed.
Armed with a Short 20mm Gun, that tank could not do much, but it was a Scout to consider!
That little quickie was manned with 3 guys!


Boys! I want to know what you think :D



Well-known member
Well known on the team, and you just might see it ingame eventually. Main issue though is it wasn't used in the British sector (only 116th "Windhund" had it, and that was during Falaise against the americans), so don't expect it anytime soon :p

Also, this dragon is always accepting donations of cookies, fine cheese, crackers, and fish.
I have no idea where you get so much information :D
If it was only of me, i'd ship you a few home-made cookies.
Too bad i don't make cookies neither does my mom xD

Also, I guess you guys are onto the British VS Germans into normandy.
Just thought that the GRIZZLY Sherman Variant is cool. I've heard it was an home-made Crocodile (Flame-spitter)
Grizzly I cruiser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is also the RAM Mk.2 tank
Another canadian one. it's a modified M4 Chassis with a new turret.
Low caliber gun but, Oh well ! Think about it! YOU are the genius xD
About 3'000 of them were made!
I believe there was the "Kangaroo" Armored Troop Carrier made onto that chassis too.

Have a nice Day!


Well-known member
Unfortunately the Ram never saw combat and was used solely for training. The Grizzly only saw 188 produced, with the majority kept in training, with production being changed over to the Sexton. A rare few saw combat in Normandy, but not much :p
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