• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

A penny for your screenshots!

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Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy

Fighting hard in the Bocage! KG Phillipps has to secure Le Dézert immediatly!

I collected some skin mods that give a lot of variety to german troops, so I'm very happy with that
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We made the ultimate TW squad in PR! Shout out to [MENTION=4097]Flare[/MENTION], [MENTION=2039]Hansu57[/MENTION], [MENTION=2473]Esu21[/MENTION], [MENTION=1152]drummer93[/MENTION], [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION], [MENTION=2186]mmiedzianyy[/MENTION], [MENTION=1183]th_battleaxe[/MENTION], and Apiks.

Only a few of us in this squad pic, but here it is!



Vanguard Backer
It was super fun [MENTION=2108]Aniallator[/MENTION] [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION] [MENTION=1183]th_battleaxe[/MENTION] and everyone else.

Victoria Crosses to myself and [MENTION=2473]Esu21[/MENTION] who held out alone in the building for more than 20 minutes until we ran out of field dressings. Video coming eventually.

A picture from a round of Bamyan from a few weeks ago with [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION].

That's me keeping a BTR occupied by leading it around that rock for minutes, until the unchivalrous occupants dismounted and killed me on foot.


View attachment 1561

A picture from a round of Bamyan from a few weeks ago with [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION].

That's me keeping a BTR occupied by leading it around that rock for minutes, until the unchivalrous occupants dismounted and killed me on foot.
I was there! Running arround this rock to avoid BTR fire. It was hilarious and terrifying at the same time!

Wysłane z mojego ALE-L21 przy użyciu Tapatalka


New event with [MENTION=4097]Flare[/MENTION], [MENTION=1152]drummer93[/MENTION], [MENTION=2186]mmiedzianyy[/MENTION], [MENTION=4365]apiks[/MENTION], Simo/Ananasladi, Sayad! :D We played 2 Vietnam maps and Falklands!



I died a lot. We had hard fights on those f****** Vietnam maps :(

We all did hahaha, and in Falklands it was amazing how we survived so many times against the enemy CAS in Goose Green! I can still hear the sound of bombs falling :laugh:


Vanguard Backer
Some team pictures of 1st Traction Brigade!

First the picture from right before our scrim vs. |VIS|

Featuring: Mied, Simo, Sayad, Hellcat, Flying, Agus, Drummer, Kulczewski, (Flare taking picture)

Then one from another round we played afterwards. O Canada!

Sayad, Hellcat, Flying, Agus, Kul, Simo, (Flare taking picture)


New Member
Hey Fellas. Recently joined this forum and I see this thread has quite a lot of wonderful screenshots, so I felt like I should put in a couple of my own to share with everyone. - Hopefully you guys like them.

In general, recently I have hosted a campaign throughout the month of June I hosted a joint-campaign with my ArmA group followed with another ArmA group and we did various events throughout the month based on separate or iconic battles during WWII. We used the Iron Front A3 modification for those who do play ArmA here, and I'll put them all up in steam links, I do have a couple, so I'll pick out the best and let you guys check them out. [I hope this isn't considered spam.]

- D-Day, June 6th, 1944.
Plain and simple, we were tasked in jumping out of a C-47 at the dead of night whilst under fire from Anti-Air weapons, the first screenshot I hope shows that pretty well, I was almost hit quite a couple of times, plenty of us jumped across Normandy, and eventually we all met up at the rendezvous and continued to our objectives, we captured multiple villages and eliminated multiple AA emplacements.
Steam Community :: Screenshot
Steam Community :: Screenshot

- Battle Of Tarawa, Late November, 1943.
We had to go "back in time" since one of our missions sadly broke due to an update, so we unearthed another mission we had in storage. Based in the Battle of Tarawa, we first off defended against a Japanese banzai attack which we quelled quite quickly, though once we resupplied and begun moving out, we had the wonderful task in clearing out different sectors from the dug in Japanese forces. We had to search every trench and bunker whilst also avoiding snipers and lovely little mines scattered around the area.
Steam Community :: Screenshot
Steam Community :: Screenshot
Steam Community :: Screenshot

- Operation Market Garden, Late September, 1944. -
Quite simple, I was acting as the medic for the day playing as the British Airborne. Our task was to land behind enemy lines in our Gliders at a designated landing zone, as you can see from the first screenshot, we almost became mincemeat from a tree. Once we regrouped we then pushed forward to our main task which was to clear our an SS. Panzer Division HQ which was met with success, once we achieved that, we made our way to one of the bridges to capture the opposite end, everyone else was apart of an Armored column which was tasked to regroup with us, eventually we regrouped after a large battle in the town and we joined with the convoy to move to the next "bridge" we eventually captured one final town before doing debrief.

- Battle Of The Bulge, January, 1945. -
Based in the Battle Of Foy, we did a mission to where we were tasked in capturing the road into Foy and the town itself, we encountered dug-in German forces followed with multiple Flak 88s and tanks. It took a while, we also sadly received a nice couple of casualties. Luckily enough, we did have some form of mortar assistance whilst we pushed towards the village. However, we eventually cleared out foy and took it under allied control. The ending screenshot shows all of us "resting" inside the church for our debrief.

- Once again, I hope that you guys will enjoy these screenshots, I know it's quite a lot however I felt like making a nice detailed first post on this site. I do wish that you guys will like the screenshots, as I feel they're appropriate given the forum. :) Thank you.


[MENTION=4674]Archer336[/MENTION], first of all, welcome to the forums! :D

The pictures and scenarios are really cool! It looked very intense and a lot of fun, are there any videos of these battles?

Also, next time if you wish to post screenshots directly into the forum just put the pictures (.jpeg, png, etc.) in between brackets :)


New Member
[MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION] Thank you, It's nice to meet you.

It lasted throughout the month, we didn't have many sessions in total but each scenario was really fun, intense and enjoyable (Occasionally brutal). We made each mission ourselves and we put some nice research into each mission before we made / played them. I'll look into it but I do believe some of my members took some videos of a couple of the sessions, I'll get back to you on that.

Also, I am aware, I felt that if I placed all of the screenshots up as 's then this page would've been completely plastered with the screenshot. I'll do it next time if I get a couple of other worthy screenshots in the future.
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